The granddaddy of them all. It took an age to load off of cassette. But when it started it transformed you into a budding Jim Smith or Howard Kendall. Of course when it starts up you can put in your own name. You then get to choose what team to manage, Man Utd were number 10 if I remember. The next screen had you choose your difficulty, from 1 Beginner to 7 Genius. How good of a manager do you think you are? You then proceed to your main options screen. But the only one I used was to display my players or buy new players, it had lots of other stuff such as print league tables (I never had a printer back then unfortunately), and an option to change all the names in the game, so I guess we could load it up today and make it totally up to date, I’m sure someone has done that!

As with all early 80s games a heavy dose of imagination would be needed to get the most out of it. Up to that point it was the most immersive and graphically rich management game ever. So we tend to forgive its faults, faults which only come to light in retrospect. Even today though it is still playable and can be a joy to return to every now and again. Plus it’s much easier to save on an emulator today than on a cassette tape all those years ago, something I never got the hang of.
Not being able to save, well I wasn’t able, meant that I had to find other ways to get my team to the Division 1 championship. With the amount of time it took on the harder difficulty levels I was ‘forced’ to leave my Commodore 64 on for up to three days straight, only turning off the TV for a few hours of sleep or when my parents insisted on me eating or spending time with my family. Did they not know what I was trying to achieve?? I had to hide this fact from them though as I was sure if they found that the power box on the plug was now as hot as a nuclear reactor they would switch the whole thing off before I got the chance to say “I’ll try and save it to a tape so!”.
Football Manager was also given away free with Commodore Force in the early nineties, leading to lots more playing and use of the edit feature. I had moved on to Kenny Dalglish Manager by Zeppelin at that stage. The actual match engine wasn’t as good or variable as Football Manager if I remember though, big blocky players constantly hitting the post while the goalkeeper dramatically hits the floor and stays there as everyone else plays on.
Another time I was at some seaside town in the summer and picked up a number of games in a bargain bin, a pound each I think. When I eventually got home days later I tried the games out. Colossus Chess worked fine, but when I loaded up IK+ what should load up, Football Manager? Very strange indeed.
As this is one of my all time favourite games, I really recommend for anyone who plays football or football manager games to go back and give it a try, where else can you buy a star striker for £25000?
My cousin actually had this game and I had Match of The Day presented by Des Lynam and Jimmy Hill. You had to start in the fourth division. I once took Barnet to the play offs but was sacked because the chairman thought I was spending too much funds on scouts. Bizarre.